Media Policy

Arlington National Cemetery’s Public Affairs Office responds to media queries, facilitates requests for media interviews and provides media escorts for public events, ceremonies and funeral services deemed open to media coverage. These requests should be directed to the ANC Public Affairs Office at 703-614-0024. You may also fill out a media query form.

► Click here for Arlington National Cemetery's official media policy.

Media requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In order to be considered for approval, media requests must be about the cemetery or about someone interred or inurned at the cemetery.


Photography is permitted within the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery. Photographers who are members of news organizations need to make arrangements for a media escort by contacting the ANC Public Affairs Office at 703-614-0024.

We ask media and cemetery visitors to respect the solemnity of Arlington National Cemetery by refraining from taking pictures of or filming someone who is visibly mourning. Please ask for permission to film or photograph those visiting a gravesite.

Documentary/Television Requests

The Department of the Army’s Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Western Region (OCPA-West) is the entertainment industry’s direct liaison to the United States Army. Its primary purpose is to assist film, television, video and video game professionals in all matters relating to the U.S. Army. Entertainment industry representatives or documentary filmmakers seeking to film in the cemetery must send requests to OCPA-West for review. OCPA-West will coordinate with Arlington National Cemetery, and cemetery leadership (who have final approval authority) will determine if supporting the request is in the best interests of the cemetery. If the request is approved, OCPA-West will create a Department of Defense Production Assistance Agreement for the production company.

Book Requests

Book authors and associated still photographers who are seeking special access and support from the Army must send requests to the Office of the Chief of Public Affairs-Northeast (OCPA-NE) for review. OCPA-NE will communicate with the publishing company or author about the intended project. If OCPA-NE determines it is in the best interests of the Army to support the book project, they will draft a memorandum of agreement with the publishing company or author. Authors approaching ANC with book-related support requests must send their OCPA-NE signed documentation to the ANC Public Affairs Office at 703-614-0024 for further coordination and permission for special access.