Public Scoping Meeting for ANC Entry Corridor Area: Oct. 16


ARLINGTON, Va. – Army National Military Cemeteries (ANMC) is beginning preparation of a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) assessment for Area Development Plan 1 (ADP1). ADP1, or the “Entry Corridor Area,” serves as the primary visitor and ceremonial entrance to Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) and involves significant facilities, including the Welcome Center and visitors’ parking garage, the Administration Building (where families meet with cemetery representatives prior to funerals), the Military Women’s Memorial and various support areas.

ANMC is proposing a range of improvements to add additional burial opportunities, enhance vehicle and pedestrian circulation, security and visitor experience across various areas. Key updates include upgrading Memorial Avenue; constructing new vehicle screening facilities; adding a pedestrian security screening facility and renovated Welcome Center; and expanding burial capacity with new columbaria. All projects will maintain the cemetery’s historical and environmental integrity.

On Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024, ANC will hold a Public Scoping Meeting to provide information and solicit comments on the Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives (DOPAA). The meeting will be held from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the ANC Welcome Center conference room. (Signs will mark the entrance to the conference room.) The meeting will have an open house format, with informative displays and materials available for public review. ANC staff will be present to answer general questions on the proposed action.

The DOPAA will be available for review between Oct. 4 and Nov. 2, 2024, at the Arlington Public Library’s Central Library (1015 N. Quincy St., Arlington, VA, 22201) , ANC’s Welcome Center and on this page:  

We invite the participation of federal and state agencies, Native American tribes, local agencies, and interested parties and individuals who would like to provide comments and/or identify any issues or concerns.

Through Nov. 2, comments may also be sent to the attention of Steven Crawford at: