The Department of the Army, in conjunction with Army National Military Cemeteries (ANMC), announces the availability of the Environmental Assessment (EA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) for the construction and operation of a Visitor Education Center (VEC) for the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial, to be constructed on the grounds of Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) in Arlington, Virginia.
ANMC proposes to grant a license to the Pentagon Memorial Fund (PMF) to construct and operate the VEC. The EA is prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations and Army-specific NEPA requirements and analyzes the effects of the proposed action.
The proposed action is needed to provide the existing 9/11 Pentagon Memorial with a visitor center that would educate, facilitate, and enhance visitor experiences to the Memorial. In addition to sharing the stories of the 184 individuals who lost their lives on 9/11 and interpretive displays, the VEC will offer a dedicated parking area in close proximity to the Memorial, permanent restrooms, shelter for visitors, a café, bookstore and event space. To achieve this, the building will have a site footprint of between 25,000 and 30,000 square feet to support a program area of between 46,500 and 50,000 square feet and approximately 100 parking spaces.
The purpose of the proposed action is:
• Facilitate visitation to the Pentagon Memorial and provide parking in close proximity to the Memorial:
• Enhance visitor experiences when visiting the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial;
• Offer interpretive displays, interactive exhibits and educational programs that would give visitors a sense of the broad impact of the tragedy from a variety of perspectives.
The EA analyzes the effects of five different alternatives. The Army’s preferred alternative would locate the VEC at the lowest elevation possible on the north end of the site. The building would have two fronts, one from the southern parking area and the other from the north (in the direction of the Memorial). The lower level will be dedicated to the exhibition spaces and a bookstore; the upper level will provide the main entrance and include event space, a café, and administrative offices. Of the alternatives considered, this alternative provides the most direct procession through the VEC and onwards towards the Memorial.
The preferred alternative has been determined to have no significant impacts to any environmental resources. Specifically, there will be no significant impacts to land use, air quality, greenhouse gases, noise, geological resources, water resources, biological resources, cultural or historic resources, socioeconomics, traffic and transportation, airspace, utilities, hazardous or toxic materials and hazardous waste. The project will have a beneficial impact on visitor use and experience at the Pentagon Memorial. Potential minor impacts from construction would be short-term and cease upon completion of construction activities. Accordingly, a Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI) is also being circulated for public review and comment.
We invite the participation of federal and state agencies, Native American tribes, local agencies, interested parties and the public to review and provide comments on the EA and Draft FNSI during the 30-day comment period.
► Click here to view and download all documents. Interested parties may also view an electronic or printed copy of the EA and draft FNSI at the Arlington Public Library, Central Library, located at 1015 N. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA, 22201, and at the Arlington National Cemetery Welcome Center, located at 1 Memorial Avenue, Arlington, VA, 22211.
Written comments must be sent by Dec. 2, 2024, which is 30 days from publication of the notice of availability.
Comments can be submitted by email at: Comments can also be postmarked to the following address: Mr. Scott Lonesome, Environmental Resources Manager, Arlington National Cemetery, 1 Memorial Avenue, Arlington, VA 22211. Submitted comments should include the project title and the commenter's contact information.
For further information, contact the Public Affairs Office, Arlington National Cemetery, at 703-614-0024, 877-907-8585, or