Documents Related to the Removal of the Confederate Memorial

•  Letter from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding the Fully Executed Amendment to the Programmatic Agreement Among Arlington National Cemetery, the Virginia State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding the Removal of the Confederate Memorial from Arlington National Cemetery (Aug. 5, 2024)

•  Amendment to the Programmatic Agreement Among Arlington National Cemetery, the Virginia State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding the Removal of the Confederate Memorial from Arlington National Cemetery (July 29, 2024)

•  Entitled Party Briefing on the Removal of the Confederate Memorial (March 1, 2024)

•  Confederate Memorial EA (Dec. 16, 2023)
         •   Appendix A: Resource Documentation
         •   Appendix B: NHPA Documentation
         •   Appendix C: Phase II Survey Report
         •   Appendix D: Agencies and Preparers
         •   Appendix E: NHPA Section 106 Programmatic Agreement

•  Confederate Memorial FONSI (Dec. 16, 2023)

•  Programmatic Agreement among Arlington National Cemetery, the Virginia State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regarding the Removal of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington County, Virginia (Dec. 15, 2023)

•   VA Department of Historic Resources Concurrence with ANMC Revised APE and Assessment of Adverse Effect (Nov. 20, 2023)

•  Confederate Memorial Environmental Assessment (EA) (Nov. 17, 2023)
         •   Appendix A: Resource Documentation
         •   Appendix B: NHPA Documentation
         •   Appendix C: Phase II Survey Report
         •   Appendix D: Agencies and Preparers 

•  Confederate Memorial Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) (Nov. 17, 2023)

•   Section 106 Agency Letter (Nov. 2, 2023)

•   Section 106 Procession Submission: Revised Area of Potential Effect (APE) and Revised Assessment of Adverse Effects (Nov. 2, 2023)

•   Attachment A: Public and Consulting Party APE Comments (Nov. 2, 2023)

•   Arlington National Cemetery, Withdrawal of Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement Regarding Removal of the Confederate Memorial (Nov 3, 2023) 

•   Public Notice: Section 106 Process Submission (Oct. 4, 2023)

•   Section 106 Agency Letter (Oct. 3, 2023)

•   Section 106 Process Submission: Revised Area of Potential Effect (APE) and Assessment of Adverse Effects (Oct. 3, 2023)

•   Attachment A: Public and Consulting Party APE Comments (Oct. 3, 2023)

•   SHPO Comments: Phase II Evaluation, Arlington National Cemetery Confederate Memorial (Aug. 29, 2023)

•   Notice of Public Meeting (Aug. 4, 2023)

•   Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and Initiate Section 106 Public Consultation Regarding Removal of the Confederate Memorial from Arlington National Cemetery (Aug. 4, 2023)

•   Department of the Army to Consulting Parties, "National Environmental Policy Act Environmental Impact Statement and National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 for the Removal of the Bronze Elements of the Arlington National Cemetery Confederate Memorial

•   Public Notice: Section 106 Initiation (March 28, 2023)

•   Virginia Department of Historic Resources Response to ANMC Section 106 Initiation (March 3, 2023) 

•   ANMC Section 106 Initiation Response to DHR (March 15, 2023)

•   ANMC Section 106 Package (March 9, 2023)

•   ANMC Section 106 Initiation Notification to Virginia Department of Historic Resources (Feb. 9, 2023)

•   Confederate Memorial Phase II Survey Report  (March 20, 2023; updated Aug. 3, 2023) 

•   VCRIS Confederate Memorial Survey Form (Dec. 16, 2022)

Associated Documents

Fort Myer National Register Historic District documents:



Arlington House National Register Historic District documents:


Arlington House Cultural Landscapes Inventory:


Arlington National Cemetery National Register Historic District documents:
