Commemorative Monuments at Arlington National Cemetery

Arlington National Cemetery is both a national treasure and an active cemetery. The Army remains committed to maintaining Arlington as an active cemetery for as long as possible to continue to honor and serve the nation’s military heroes. It has become necessary to limit the placement of commemorative monuments on ANC grounds because they reduce the amount of land available for the fulfillment of our primary mission.

According to federal law (38 USC §2409), commemorative monuments may be placed on ANC grounds only after a collaborative and deliberative proposal process. In accordance with law, monuments that do not contain or mark interred remains may not be placed, except those that meet the provisions in 38 USC §2409. Proposals will be considered only if they honor members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are missing in action or whose remains have not been recovered, and if they meet the following criteria: 

  • The monument commemorates the service in the Armed Forces of an individual or group of individuals whose memory is to be honored by the monument, or the monument commemorates a particular military event.

  • The monument will not be placed until the end of the 25-year period following the event being commemorated or since the last day of the period of the event.

  • The monument is sponsored by an appropriate non-governmental sponsor.

  • The monument is intended to be placed on land not suitable for burial.

Proposal Submission Requirements

A written proposal is required and should include the following:

  • A detailed justification of the proposed monument.

  • Name of the nongovernmental group making the offer.

  • The estimated value of the donation.

  • The design concept of the monument.

  • A certification of funds sufficient to cover all costs, including installation, preservation and perpetual care.

  • An independent study on the availability and suitability of an alternative location for placement outside of Arlington National Cemetery.

Please be advised that this is a deliberative and lengthy process. It can take up to one year — and in some cases longer — before a request package is either approved or disapproved.

Proposals should be addressed to:
Executive Director
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington, VA 22211

For more information, please call 1-877-907-8585.