
Southern Expansion Update: Closure of South Nash Street

October 04, 2024

As fall begins and the leaves start to change, the Southern Expansion project also continues to change and progress. Columbia Pike was reopened on Sept. 19, which allowed for the closure of South Nash Street. The following work will begin soon:

Road Closures and Cemetery Access during Army Ten-Miler: Oct. 13

September 25, 2024

ARLINGTON, Va. – On Sunday, Oct. 13, numerous roads in the vicinity of Arlington National Cemetery (ANC) will be closed for the 40th annual Army Ten-Miler race.

Memorial Amphitheater Construction

September 17, 2024

A construction project at Memorial Amphitheater may affect visitors from Sept. 19 through Oct. 25, 2024. This work entails removing an outdated and unreliable elevator

Fall Horticulture Tours

September 09, 2024

Come see the trees of Arlington at the peak of their autumn splendor! The vibrant reds, oranges, yellows and russets of over 300 species of trees at ANC are a must-see for anyone visiting in the autumn.

New Traffic Pattern Changes to Columbia Pike

September 04, 2024

ARLINGTON, Va. – In support of Arlington National Cemetery’s Southern Expansion project, new traffic pattern changes will impact roads near the south of the cemetery.

Recruiting Event: Sept. 19

September 03, 2024

Join us to learn more about the mission and work that goes on at Arlington National Cemetery! Hear directly from our experienced staff and passionate leaders and employees to learn more about exciting, fulfilling career opportunities at Arlington National Cemetery. This event will take place from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Arlington National Cemetery Welcome Center. 

Turf Renovations

August 14, 2024

Arlington National Cemetery annually renovates more than 30 acres of turf. This process involves removing the old turf and weeds, tilling the soil, grading the grave sites and planting new grass from seed. 

Honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War at Arlington National Cemetery

August 13, 2024

Arlington National Cemetery and the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration will be hosting a special public tram tour in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War. Join us as we visit graves and memorials connected to this conflict and honor the contributions of all branches of the armed forces in the Vietnam War.

Section 78 Closed, Beginning Aug. 12

August 09, 2024

On July 18, while conducting burial operations in Section 78 of Arlington National Cemetery, several canisters were discovered underground that contained Silvex, an agricultural herbicide banned in the United States in 1985. Upon discovering the herbicide, the cemetery took immediate action and contacted environmental and legal experts to ensure proper disposal in accordance with DoD’s Defense Environmental Restoration Program regulations and in collaboration with the Army’s Environmental Command and the Commonwealth Department of Environmental Quality.  This section will be closed to the public beginning Aug. 12 as we take the proper steps to resolve the matter.  We have no reason to suspect any impact to your loved one’s gravesite in this section; however, Section 78 will be closed to visitors during this project to ensure the safety of visitors, family members and our workforce.  We will continue to keep you updated. 

Heat Advisory

July 08, 2024

The Arlington area is currently experiencing very high heat. Please use caution. For the safety of all visitors and funeral attendees, we offer the following recommendations: